Monday, 3 January 2011

Mars Attacks! (1996) & Hook (1991)

Mars Attacks

Watched on January 1st, which means I watched 3 films in one day. Go me!

I love this movie. I'm always surprised when I find people who haven't seen (or heard of) this film, which as it turns out... Is most people. Of the people who I DO find that have actually seen it... Not many like it. I know people have different tastes and such but... I'd really like to slap them in the face! Maybe it's because I've seen a lot of the Sci-Fi B movies that it parodies (yes, I am a geek okay?), I just think it's hilarious.

Watched on January 2nd.
This is one of my favourite films of all times. Remember how I said I'm more interested in how films make you feel? This film is the ultimate feel good film for me. Despite the fact that it always makes me cry multiple times.
I have an emotional attachment to this film, watching it takes me right back to my childhood. It's no secret that I love anything Peter Pan related and this film is just beautifully done. I know it didn't get a lot of good reviews, but screw critics.
Fun little fact: The pirate that gets put into the Boo box? Glenn Close! Once you see that you'll never be able to unsee!

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